How to prepare for your VBAC

Here are some helpful hints in preparing for your vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)!

  • Gather a supportive birth team: Is your care practioner (OBGYN, midwife) ACTUALLY supportive of VBACing? Ask them about their c-section or transfer rate. Ask them about how many people have a successful VBAC in their care. Is your support person trusting of the birth process and your wise intuition about the birth of your baby? Hire a doula to support your birth, they increase your odds having a vaginal birth.

  • Take a good birth prep class: Learning about how your body, ligaments, hormones, and baby all work together is essential for feeling confident about your upcoming birth. You will also learn about different ways to cope with the intensity of birth, how to write an effective birth plan, how to avoid unnecessary interventions, and more! It is very important to take an independent, non-hospital based birth class. This will ensure you receive unbiased, evidence based information.

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Hydrate with water and nourish your body with nutrient dense foods. Stretch, walk, meditate, do yoga, and utilize professionals (PT's, chiro's, massage therapists) to support having a balanced body.

  • Listen to or read positive VBAC stories: Talk to other mamas who have had a VBAC. Listen to podcasts that feature VBAC stories. Search out blogs or books that specialize in VBAC. Avoid "war stories" from others who have had traumatic births. Visualize and focus on the birth that you desire!

  • Practice different labor positions and comfort measures: Practice these different positions and coping skills as often as you can so they will be second nature at the time of your birth.

  • Be informed: Look up the actual statistics on uterine rupture. Know the actual risks of VBACing, as well as the risks of repeat c-sections. Use evidence based information resources when appropriate.

You got this! Email me about how I can support your birth as a VBAC certified doula!


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